The Never Ending Summer
john barry
For lots of parents out there this looks like it might be the never ending summer. Unfortunately, not because the summer weather will persist, but because schools may not reopen. Oh boy, so many feelings in our household about that. Too many feelings and many of them are conflicting!
I’ve decided to just roll with the punches, whatever happens. My company has decided to keep its employees working from home until July of 2021, in part to allow us the flexibility to deal with the uncertainties around education and childcare for our children, which I appreciate so incredibly much. After barely escaping layoffs at both of our companies, we are in the extremely fortunate position of being able to “roll with the punches” without losing our jobs, or not being able to afford the mortgage, or being forced to make any of the impossible choices those less fortunate than us have been faced with these last few months.
Eve’s been taking her Sunday afternoon nap under the tent at Buffalo Creek Brewing in Long Grove for the last several weeks.
Am I concerned about what school will look like for my kids this year, and how it will impact their development, health and safety? Absolutely. Do I wish there was some certainty so that I could make plans for childcare and my work schedule? Yep. The wish list is long. But life has always been unpredictable. The events of the last few months have just highlighted this - lest we become complacent. Did we get too used to going about our lives without a global pandemic to turn the most common of activities into deadly encounters? I guess so.
When she wakes up she eats Joanie’s Pizza. LIVIN’ THE LIFE!!! #LongGrove
Anyway, I'm trying to accept the uncertainty and enjoy the moment because I know that we really are so blessed. And if 2020 has taught me anything, it is that nothing is owed. We should be grateful for all of our blessings right now while we have them.
In that spirit I've embraced lots of things this never ending summer including...wait for it... boxed desserts! Have you ever had brookies (brownies + cookies, or does everyone already know what these are?) from a box? Pure genius I tell you.
We made these brookie cookies n' cream ice cream sandwiches the other day and they were awesome. It was definitely easy enough for the kids to do themselves although step #2 wall all me.
Here's how we did it.
1- We used the boxed Brookie mix and spread the batter out as thin as we could on a baking tray, then baked for less time (because they are thinner) than the instructions told us, though I do not remember how much less, we just kept checking them for doneness.
2 - I guarded them like a hawk so that my little army wouldn't devour them before we could make them into ice cream bars.
3 - Once they were room temperature, we cut them into two large squares that I could insert into a square cake pan.
4 - We lined the cake pan with saran wrap, then put one brookie piece in.
5 - We spread the brookie piece with softened cookies 'n cream ice cream (because I would have had to go to the store for vanilla).
6 - Then we put the other brookie piece on top, wrapped the saran wrap over the entire thing, put it back into the cake pan and loaded it into the freezer to harden.
7 - The next day (though it could be an hour or two later) we took the HUGE ice cream sandwich out of the cake pan and cut it into small pieces with a serrated knife.
8 - Then I hid a few of them in the back of the freezer for myself before handing them out to the kids.
You’re welcome. Oh yeah, and if you are looking for somewhere low-key and very social-distancing friendly you should check out Buffalo Creek Brewing in Long Grove. We have been going there every weekend. It’s been so nice to get out of the house and for the kids to be able to see their Uncle and Grandpa. It would also be a great spot for a date IMO. There is a lot of outdoor seating, appropriately spaced out for social distancing, and it is bring your own food (or order it, we've been getting chicken and pizzas from Joanie's...yum).
Sampling the ROOT beer at Buffalo Creek Brewing.
Now go on and enjoy your never ending summer. xoxo